
1 Peter for You is unavailable, but you can change that!

The book of 1 Peter could have been written for our times—a time of antagonism toward biblical ethics, and the marginalization of biblical Christians. Into that culture—our culture—Peter speaks of hope and offers joy as he points believers home to heaven. Juan Sanchez brings his experience of ministry in the US and Latin America, and his pastoral wisdom and insight, to this wonderful epistle—an...

our faith, and we cling to the hope that our inheritance awaits us. Our inheritance is not on this earth; our inheritance is yet to be revealed on the last day when Christ himself is revealed. Until then, we sojourn on this earth with the hope of resurrection and look forward to the inheritance of the new heavens and earth. The news of a new life that leads to a living hope and a future inheritance is all well and good, but how can we know that in the face of persecution and
Pages 27–28